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13 Most Common Reasons Women Seek Abortions Around The World

By Amanda JerelynTwitter Profile | Updated: Sunday, 11 October 2020 08:29 UTC
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Woman with pregnancy test
Woman with pregnancy test GettyImages/Violeta Stoimenova

There are 50 million abortions that take place each year across the globe, which is equal to 125,000 abortions in a single day (According to Worldometers). In much of the world, women who undergo abortion fall in the age bracket of 20 to 24 years old.

While surgical abortion is a common practice around the world, it is the most stigmatized. There are widespread misconceptions about why women seek an abortion. The true reasons are many, and all of them are still not known.

The reason is simple. We don't have safe places where we can talk about our reasons for favoring abortion and feelings about menopause– without being judged.

Recognizing women's reasons for terminating their pregnancies can inform public debate, clear misunderstandings, and upgrade policies.

Thirteen unknown reasons why women want abortions

The explanations that girls and women around the world often give for pursuing abortion are discussed below:

1. Financial struggle

A mother wants a better life for her baby, but what if she could not provide everything the baby deserves?

Evidence suggests that most women going for abortions are likely to be poor. According to a US national survey, nearly half of the women seeking abortion services are poor, while 26% of them belong to the low socio-economic class, and in most cases, they already have children.

Figure 1357.2

Lack of affordability is an understandable reason for low-income women to terminate their pregnancy as carrying a child can increase their economic hardships. Studies suggest that women who get abortion services are less likely to spend years living in poverty than a woman wanting abortion but denied.

Moreover, the increasing cost of living is another factor to consider. As of 2019, the total cost of raising a newborn until the age of 17 is $233,610. This increasing high cost of food, shelter, education, and health makes it impossible for women to care for a child.

2. Partner related issues

Another most frequently cited reason by women for wanting an abortion is because the father-to-be is not supportive, abusive, doesn't want a baby, or is the wrong guy.

Dealing with an inconsiderate father who is supposed to be caring can be overwhelming for women. A number of studies concluded that a mother's concern about the father is detrimental to her mental health. Contrary to this, women who believe that their partner is compassionate are able to deal better with maternal depression.

Figure 1357.3

The findings of a research study indicate that emotional distress during pregnancy negatively affects the fetus development, including brain growth and reduce heart rate.

Moreover, physically stressed women are more likely to give birth prematurely, which puts the health of both the unborn baby and mother at risk.

3. Bad timing

Millions of pregnancy tests performed each day, but not all positive results bring joy to a woman's life. The reason is bad timing.

Most women, including me, believe that having a baby would be easy when 'I am ready for it.'Unplanned pregnancy is a major

Approximately 90% of terminations are sough the wake of unintended pregnancy, but proper family planning and the use of contraceptives can reduce the growing issue of abortion. This is more applicable to unmarried women because they are more likely to terminate a pregnancy than married women.

Figure 1357.4

Evidence indicates that teens who get free birth control have fewer chances of getting an abortion. According to the study, 71% of millennials believe that it is morally acceptable to use contraceptives, and it is the best method to prevent abortion.

4. The need to focus on other kids

A huge reason behind unreadiness to parent and going for abortion could be the fact that a woman is already a mother and has children to care for. Moreover, couples want smaller families today because both partners work, and managing children with the job is hectic.

Figure 1357.5

As per the findings of a research, mothers want an abortion because a new child would limit her and her partner's ability to care for their exiting kids. This fact is consistent with the observation that kids whose mothers are denied abortions will experience declined socio-economic outcomes.

5. The status of 'Unmarried'

Not married and having a child is a big deal in most parts of the world because of the existence of the taboo around premarital sex and pregnancy.

Figure 1357.6

The socio-cultural norms, expectations, and religious contexts also impact the perception of communities about abortion. Christianity, Islam, and Hinduism are some biggest religions of the world that apply the principles of the sanctity of life to the case of abortion. It is largely believed by followers that abortion is a sin.

Unmarried pregnant women experience more acute abortion stigma than married women and prefer to abort their fetus to avoid family and societal objections. The high level of pressure from society is linked to the high probability of unsafe abortions.

According to a recent study, unmarried girls and women in India are more likely to encounter barriers when it comes to accessing timely services and keeping their procedures confidential.

6. Health-related reasons

It is a common misunderstanding that we demand abortion because we have high women wellness concerns. The health of the unborn infant is equally important, and that is why fetal structural abnormality is another common abortion reason.

Like #MeToo, another hashtag movement that took Instagram by storm is #YouKnowMe. It is a 2019 movement initiated by US-based abortion rights advocates to fight the stigma around abortion. This popular movement encouraged girls and women to clear misunderstandings about why they seek an abortion.

Erica Goldblatt Hyatt is a well-known clinician who terminated her first pregnancy when she learned that her unborn baby has a rare medical condition.

7. Lack of independence or maturity

A child is not just life; it's a responsibility.

Not mature enough to carry a baby is another reason that most young women seek abortion services around the world. It is common knowledge that having a baby at a young age dramatically changes a girl's life.

At such a young age, a woman has no control over her life, and most of the time, a girl doesn't know how to care for a child. Putting the child's health at stake isn't a reasonable option. The immaturity of the mother can risk her life as well as the unborn baby.

8. Pressure from peers

Pressure from your social circle is also matters when it comes to making a decision related to abortion. As individuals grow in terms of freedom and begin to think independently, this is the time when they start valuing the opinions of the people of their age.

Figure 1357.7

Not all peer pressure is good or bad, but it really works because humans want to be accepted by others. This is more relevant in the case of young adults and teenagers. For instance, a teenage girl would want an abortion because of the fear that other girls would not include her in their group or made fun of her.

Sometimes, we don't understand how to deal with unexpected situations, so we do things to feel included.

9. Birth control fails

Safe sexual practices prevent not only sexually transmitted infections but also prevent unwanted pregnancies. However, things happen sometimes, even when you practice safe sex.

Figure 1357.8
Contraceptive failure rates

In the US, contraceptive failure is a major reason behind unwanted pregnancies. However, a recent survey report by the British Pregnancy Advisory Service suggests that more than 50% of women seeking abortion services were using any one kind of birth control method.

The evidence speaks to nature's little secret that even the most effective birth control techniques sometimes don't work.

A 24-year-old receptionist making $15 per hour shared her 'birth control failure' story and added that she would be living and raising a child on a minimum wage salary if she didn't have access to safe abortion. She also believes that living on public assistance isn't easy as most of the time; you are refused because lawmakers think girls like us taking benefit of the public funds.

10. Not wanting to place the baby for adoption

Adoption is assumed as a better alternative than abortion, but it is not reasonable for all women. In most cases, women would endanger their lives if they carry a baby for nine months. On the other side, it is not easy to give your baby to someone even if you know that you cannot afford your baby due to financial struggle.

According to most of the American women, giving up your baby for adoption to a stranger or even friend is extremely painful than going for an abortion. Above all, modern-day women are not choosing abortion or adoption. In fact, the number of unmarried women has risen over the past decades.

This shows that women are more economically independent today than in the past and are choosing between parenting and abortion. If they are economically strong, the chances are less that they will go for an abortion.

11. Interference with educational plans

Another commonly cited reason by women seeking an abortion is that the pregnancy would affect the achievement of their personal and professional life goals. And this is partially true at least, if not completely.

The first and foremost thing affected by an unwanted pregnancy is education. Young girls have to give up on their education because continuing education with pregnancy is not easy. Additionally, discrimination against pregnant teenage girls is rampant.

The bullying and pressure are too much to handle, and most girls end up dropping out. There are very few states that have constructed special schools for pregnant women and offer them coursework help.

Even in the fast-paced modern tech world, women still face discrimination based on their sex, appearance, marital status, and pregnant women are no exception. Having a child in your belly can interfere with future opportunities, and this fears many women, especially those who are living alone away from their families.

12. Rape and incest

From a rational and moral standpoint, the unborn baby conceived through assault shouldn't be blamed and deserve the same protection and care as a baby conceived through marriage gets.

People supporting pro-abortion rights believe that it is ethically and morally undesirable to force females to carry a pregnancy if they don't want it, especially if the baby is the result of sexual assault or incest.

This one is believed to be a significant factor behind women who have induced abortions in the past. Rape-related pregnancies (RRP) are closely associated with domestic violence. According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), almost 3 million women in the US have experienced rape in their lifetime.

The question is, does abortion help the rape victim? Not it every case, but in most cases, it does help. The rape victim is already going through a lot of pain, and carrying a child and support to the baby is almost impossible for her. Despite the fact that the fetus doesn't deserve a death sentence, many women terminate their rape-related pregnancy because of their own emotional battles.

13. Growing in an abusive household

Growing in an abusive household affects individuals physically and mentally. Many young women terminate their pregnancies because of their negative childhood experiences. Studies suggest that adolescents from broken families are more likely to involve in sexual behaviors and drug addiction. It is more like an escape for them.

Women who observe an unhealthy relationship between their parents are less likely to have a successful relationship because of the trauma they experience as a child. Because they don't want their child to grow in a toxic environment, they think it is better to terminate the pregnancy.

Figure 1357.9

Know the dangers of unsafe abortion

Unsafe abortion practices are normal in both developing and developed countries. Out of 50 to 60 million abortions annually, an estimated 40% of abortions are marked as unsafe. In most cases, most women had no choice but to choose illegal abortion to end their pregnancy.

Unsafe abortions occur because most societies refuse abortion and treat women harshly who want it. But besides this, there are several other medical conditions that can risk a woman's life. Some common conditions like uterine perforation, unstoppable bleeding, tearing of the line of the cervix, damage to the abdomen, and internal infections are caused by unsafe abortion practices.

The untrained health workers cannot provide proper guidance on post-abortion care, and even after aborting the child, the woman can face complications.

Promoting safe abortions

According to the World Health Organization, equal access to safe abortion is a basic human and health right of girls and women.

It is natural that a woman can feel emotionally drained and empty after their decision to have a termination. At this time, they need someone to talk about these emotions. Additionally, awareness about safe abortions will enable girls and women to care for themselves after an abortion.

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