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Why do I have a salty taste in my mouth?

BS Media
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Published: Tuesday, 13 March 2018
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Table of contents
  1. Causes
  2. Treatment
  3. Diagnosis
  4. Complications
  5. Home remedies
feeding salty foods will often leave an afterimage in the mouth. nevertheless, when this taste is present for a long time, it may be a symptom of an underlying issue.

A salty or odd taste is normally not a cause for concern, but these symptoms can be annoying or distracting.

Some causes of a lasting salty taste require a doctor's diagnosing and treatment. In the meantime, home remedies can help to relieve the symptom.

Fast facts about a salty taste in the mouth:
  • There are galore possible causes of this symptom.
  • Treatment will involve addressing the underlying cause.
  • Many causes of a salty taste in the mouth are easy to treat.


Some causes are harmless, piece others may require a visit to a doctor or tooth doctor.

Postnasal drip

Causes of a salty taste in the mouth may include dehydration, blood in the mouth, and medical conditions.

Postnasal drip is common and may due to issues so much as:

Postnasal drip involves excess mucous secretion in the nasal passages dripping from the back of the nose down the throat. The presence of this mucous secretion may cause spit to taste saltier than usual.

Over-the-counter medications can help to clear up a postnasal drip, which will likely eliminate the salty taste.


Dehydration can lead to an odd taste and other symptoms, so much as dry mouth. When the body is short on liquids, it can cause spit to become rich in salty minerals, because there is an imbalance in the levels of salt and water in the body.

Symptoms of dehydration that normally appear with an odd taste include:

  • fatigue or exhaustion
  • confusion
  • dizziness or lightheadedness
  • dark yellow or orange urine
  • infrequent urination
  • extreme thirst

Issues so much as diarrhoea or drinking excessive amounts of alcohol can cause dehydration. People who exercise smartly without drinking enough water may besides become dehydrated.

It is important to watch for signs of dehydration throughout the day and add liquids to the diet accordingly.

Dry mouth

Dry mouth is one symptom of dehydration, but it can be a separate condition. The term for dryness in the mouth is dry mouth. People with dry mouth may feel as though they have cotton balls in their mouths, and may besides experience dry or sticky spit. The spit can taste strange, often bitter or salty.

Some medications can cause dry mouth. The symptom can besides be coupled to tobacco use or an underlying condition. nevertheless, a stuffy nose is often enough to dry out the mouth, as a person is forced to breathe through their mouth instead of their nose.

Gastropassage reflux illness (GERD)

GERD may be responsible for a lasting salty taste. The illness occurs when the passage anatomical sphincter weakens, allowing gall or stomach acid to creep up into the food pipe. This will lead to a burning sensation in the chest, on with other symptoms.

GERD can besides cause an unusual taste in the mouth, often delineated as bitter, sour, or salty.

Blood in the mouth

When the saltiness besides tastes like rust or metal, this can indicate the presence of blood in the mouth. feeding sharp foods, so much as chips or hard candies can cause hemorrhage. A person may besides injure their gums piece flossing or brushing their dentition.

A salty taste after brushing or flossing can be an early symptom of periodontal disease. This can be diagnosed and treated by a tooth doctor.


Periodontitis may be a cause of a salty taste in the mouth.

When periodontal disease remains untreated, it may lead to an oral infection, so much as periodontal disease. If this is left untreated, it can have lasting personal effects on dentition and bones.

Periodontitis may lead to a salty or iron-like taste. It can besides cause:

  • loose dentition
  • pus under the dentition
  • open sores in the gums
  • sore, aching gums
  • bad breath

Other infections may besides lead to a salty taste, including oral thrush. This yeast infection causes white blotches to appear in the mouth, and an unusual sensitivity or a burning sensation in the mouth. They may have difficulty tasting or experience a bitter, metallic, or salty taste.

Infection with human papillomavirus (HPV) can besides cause an odd taste in the mouth. If symptoms are not managed, HPV can cause a person to cough up blood, consequent in a metallic or salty taste.

Nutritional deficiencies

A salty taste can result from missing or low levels of nutrients. If a doctor suspects that this is the case, they will test the blood to determine which nutrients are lacking. Treatment normally involves some form of supplementation.

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What does it mean when you have a sweet taste in your mouth? Learn more about this symptom here.
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Medical conditions

Some conditions that affect the brain or nerves can besides affect the tongue, leading to an odd or salty taste. These can include nervous conditions so much as multiple induration or Bell's palsy, or even a brain tumour. A person with a head or neck injury may besides experience symptoms of nerve damage.

Sjögren's syndrome, an immune system disorder, can cause dryness of the opinion and mouth. It may be responsible for a lasting salty taste, as well as joint pain, fatigue, and organ dysfunction.

Hormonal imbalances

Hormonal imbalances, so much as those experient during climacteric or gestation, can cause changes in taste buds, leading to strange tastes.

Side personal effects of medication

Some medicines can dry out the mouth or ooze into the spit, leading to an odd taste. A doctor can help to identify whether the taste is a side effect of a medication.

Some cancer treatments can affect the taste buds, leading to odd tastes. People receiving these treatments may besides experience dry mouth, some other common cause of a lasting salty taste.

Treatment options

The correct treatment for a salty taste in the mouth will depend on the cause. For galore people, drinking a few extra spectacles of water throughout the day will be enough to eliminate the symptom. Others may need to visit a doctor or tooth doctor for a diagnosing.


To determine the cause of the salty taste, a doctor will often examine the mouth, then ask about diet, life style, and medications. The doctor may besides order tests or blood work to rule out possible causes. When the doctor identifies the cause of the salty taste, they will recommend treatment.


Neglecting to treat any condition can lead to complications and worsening symptoms. Anyone who experiences persistent changes in taste with no best-known cause should visit a doctor as shortly as possible.

Home remedies

Practising daily oral hygiene and rinse with an antibacterial drug gargle are suggested as a remedy for a salty taste.

While waiting for diagnosing and treatment, galore people find relief by exploitation home remedies. Some remedies for a salty taste include:

  • practicing daily oral hygiene
  • rinse with an antibacterial drug gargle
  • chewing sugar-free gum
  • drinking plenty of water throughout the day
  • reducing alcohol or tobacco consumption
  • avoiding greasy or spicy foods

The cause of a salty taste in the mouth may be simple. A doctor can help to identify the impact of any medications or supplements. Some people find that the symptom disappears when they change medications.

Treatments are most effective when radio-controlled by a health care professional.

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