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Is it safe to drink alcohol while taking Adderall?

By BS MediaTwitter Profile | Published: Wednesday, 18 April 2018
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Table of contents
  1. Adderall and alcohol
  2. Why is it dangerous?
  3. Side personal effects
  4. Risks
  5. Addiction
  6. Outlook
Adderall is most normally used to treat attention-deficient disorder disorder or attention deficit disorder. According to research, galore people who use Adderall drink alcohol piece taking the medication.

A 2013 study found that 46.4 percentage of students who used Adderall non-medically had at the same time used alcohol inside the past year.

Another study found that 19 percentage of people surveyed, who were prescribed Adderall to treat attention deficit disorder, deliberately abused their medication piece drinking alcohol.

Although galore people do it, mix alcohol and Adderall can be dangerous, especially when people consume them at the same time.

Is it safe to drink piece taking Adderall?

Drinking alcohol piece taking Adderall can be dangerous, as some contain chemicals that affect the central nervous system differently.

Drinking alcohol piece taking Adderall can be dangerous. Combining alcohol and Adderall is especially dangerous for people exploitation Adderall for non-medical purposes.

A 2013 report found that 19 percentage of the emergency room visits related to attention deficit disorder medications in the United States, involving people aged 18 to 25, besides involved alcohol use.

Examples of misexploitation Adderall include:

  • exploitation the medication in a way not prescribed, so much as more often or in bigger doses
  • taking the medication in a different form than prescribed, so much as crushing the tablets or opening the pills and smoking, snorting, or injecting the contents
  • taking person other's Adderall or exploitation it for non-medical purposes, so much as for perusal, partying, or acquiring high

Why is it dangerous?

Adderall and alcohol contain chemicals that affect the central nervous system differently.

Adderall contains chemical salts that increase the effect of the neurotransmitters Dopastat and noradrenaline in areas of the brain that improve focus and alertness.

Alcohol decreases the personal effects of neurotransmitters in the brain, deceleration down bodily processes and mental function.

There are a few reasons why mix alcohol and stimulants, so much as Adderall, is not safe.

Alcohol is a depressant in moderate to large quantities. But in small doses, so much as a glass of wine or brew, it normally Acts of the Apostles as a temporary stimulant. This means Adderall may intensify and lengthen the period of stimulation people experience after a few drinks.

It may besides delay the sedating personal effects of bigger doses of alcohol, which mightiness cause people to drink more than they would do otherwise. overwhelming large quantities of alcohol can overwhelm the liver, leading to an alcohol o.d..

In other words, Adderall masks the sedating personal effects of alcohol that normally help prevent people from overdosing on alcohol.

Alcohol and the stimulants in Adderall besides require the same liver enzymes for digestion.

People who drink piece on Adderall may besides feel the personal effects of one of the two drugs more than usual, depending on which drug is processed faster by the liver.

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Symptoms and side personal effects

Mixing the two can intensify the personal effects of Adderall and alcohol in the body.

Adderall and alcohol in moderate-to-large amounts normally cause very different symptoms.

The specific side personal effects associated with overwhelming Adderall and alcohol depend on how the two drugs have combined in the body.

Adderall can besides cause different symptoms in people who are not exploitation Adderall for medical purposes or not taking it as prescribed.

If person has a few drinks, they will normally feel a temporary buzz, similar to the rush of euphory associated with small or mild doses of Adderall.

After more than 1 or 2 drinks, especially over a short time period, most people experience symptoms that can include:

  • stumbling, unsteady movement, or poor coordination
  • slurred speech
  • disorientation
  • reduced reaction time
  • reduced ability to think rationally
  • distorted judgment

Symptoms will depend on the person's body weight, medical conditions, and history of alcohol usage.

If person continues to drink alcohol, they will experience progressively severe symptoms. Symptoms associated with heavy alcohol consumption include:

  • loss of control over body movement
  • inability to feel pain
  • inability to make rational decisions
  • total lack of judgment
  • vomit
  • loss of consciousness

If person misuses Adderall perennially, they can develop very acerb symptoms, even if they have a prescription for the medication.

Symptoms and side personal effects of perennial Adderall misuse include:

  • anger and aggression
  • paranoia
  • psychosis

When person consumes too much Adderall, it can interfere with their body's chemical signal, caexploitation serious, dangerous symptoms.

People who think they may have taken too much Adderall should call the emergency employment instantly, or ask person to take them to the emergency department of a hospital.

If person has the signs and symptoms of an Adderall o.d. but is not able or willing to seek medical attention, person other must call the emergency employment for them or take them to the nighest hospital. Paramedics can give people medicine to return blood flow to their heart and reduce seizures.

Symptoms associated with exploitation high doses of Adderall over the short-run include:

  • stomach cramps
  • dry mouth
  • difficulty sleeping
  • headaches and dizziness
  • changes in mood
  • restlessness or anxiousness
  • loss of appetite
  • nausea, vomit, and diarrhea

Symptoms associated with long-run use of high doses of Adderall include:

  • irregular heartbeat
  • weight loss
  • very high body temperature
  • abnormally high or low blood pressure
  • chest pains
  • hallucinations
  • difficulty breathing
  • nerve issues that can cause seizures

Not much research has been done on the specific personal effects of mix alcohol and Adderall. nevertheless, the studies that exist often show that combining the two drugs tends to greatly increase the risk of experiencing symptoms, so much as:

  • heightened or elongated period of euphory piece drinking
  • delayed onset of the sedating symptoms related to alcohol
  • altered perception of being drunk
  • intensified or exaggerated symptoms of Adderall or alcohol use


The sterling risk associated with drinking alcohol piece taking Adderall is alcohol poisoning.

People who drink more alcohol than their livers can process may experience alcohol poisoning, where alcohol blood levels are so high they become dangerous.

Symptoms of alcohol poisoning include:

  • uncontrollable vomit, often when a person seems unconscious
  • coma
  • organ failure
  • death

As a prescription stimulant, Adderall itself is associated with quite a few risks, especially at high doses. Drinking may besides intensify the effect Adderall has on the body.

Risks associated with very high doses or o.d.s of Adderall include:

  • heart attack
  • seizures
  • heart and circulation failure
  • coma
  • death

The full extent of outcomes and personal effects coupled with the combined use of Adderall and alcohol is not fully understood yet. nevertheless, some research has shown that the coincident use of alcohol and prescription stimulants is often coupled with:

  • accrued risk of substance abuse
  • greater likeliness of exploitation amerciable drugs or misexploitation other prescription drugs
  • lowered grade point averages
  • accrued or prolonged symptoms of alcohol and stimulant use
  • decreased work or school performance
  • strained personal relationships
  • long-run lack of sleep

Addiction potential

Alcohol poisoning is the sterling risk associated with drinking alcohol piece taking Adderall.

The U.S. Drug social control Administration classifies Adderall as a Schedule II drug, meaning it carries a high risk of abuse and severe physical and psychological addiction.

The long-run use of Adderall can cause some people to develop a tolerance to the drug, meaning they need higher or more frequent doses to get the same effect.

Adderall misuse is besides associated with a condition called substance use disorder (SUD), which can develop into addiction.

SUD can result in:

  • decreased or strained personal relationships
  • failure to keep up with the demands of work, school, and everyday life
  • reduced ability to cope with everyday stress

People with SUD besides experience symptoms of withdrawal if they suddenly stop taking the drug or greatly reduce their dosage.

Symptoms of Adderall withdrawal include:

  • difficulty sleeping
  • unexplained sleepiness
  • depression


Although it is very dangerous to combine Adderall and alcohol, a lot of people who misuse Adderall consume alcohol at the same time.

Adderall can mask the personal effects of alcohol intoxication, making it much easier for individuals to consume too much alcohol. Studies have besides shown that people who use Adderall for non-medical purposes piece drinking alcohol are more likely to experience a wide array of adverse personal effects.

People who mix alcohol and Adderall besides seem to be at an accrued risk of developing substance abuse problems and are more likely to experiment with other prescription and amerciable drugs.

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