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Is there a link between heartburn and gas?

By BS MediaTwitter Profile | Updated: Sunday, 24 March 2019 19:32 UTC
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Is there a link between heartburn and gas?
Is there a link between heartburn and gas?

Heartburn and gas can occur together. Although one does not cause the other, they may make each other worse. Certain underlying conditions can possibly cause some pyrosis and gas. In these cases, treating the underlying condition will help relieve some the gas and pyrosis.

A person can have pyrosis or gas severally of each other. This is because the two conditions have different causes, even though they some relate to digestive processes and issues.

Nevertheless, making life style changes to prevent pyrosis can besides help prevent excessive gas.

What is pyrosis?

Heartburn occurs as a symptom of acid reflux. According to the National Institute of polygenic disorder and Digestive and excretory organ Diseases, up to 20 percentage of people in the United States have a degenerative form of acid reflux called internal organ reflux disease.

When acid from the stomach pushes up into the food pipe, it can cause a burning pain in the chest. For some people, this sensation may feel like a symptom of a heart attack.

People experience pyrosis in different shipway, but some of the common sensations include:

  • burning or pain in the chest
  • burning that may move up the throat
  • a alteration sensation in the throat and chest
  • sharp pain in the chest

For some people, pyrosis may present as pain behind the sternum. For others, it may feel like pain or burning higher in the throat.

Heartburn is common after feeding meals. A person may trigger pyrosis by lying down or bending over shortly after feeding. Some common triggers of pyrosis include:

  • heavy, fatty foods
  • spicy foods
  • coffee
  • alcohol
  • acidic foods, so much as tomatoes

In addition, some risk factors make a person more likely to experience pyrosis, including:

  • smoking
  • obesity
  • pregnancy

Some medications can besides increase the risk of pyrosis, so much as:

  • antidepressants
  • some medications for high blood pressure
  • antihistamines
  • certain drugs for trfeeding asthma

Gas is a natural part of the digestive process. A person passes gas several times per day through either the body part or mouth.

Gas can become at bay in the digestive tract due to swallowing or the breakdown of the food as it passes through the large bowel.

Bacteria in the large bowel are responsible for the smell of flatulence.

As undigested food moves through the digestive tract, bacterium in the large bowel help break it down further. Foods that the body cannot digest give the bacterium more to break down, and they produce stronger-smelling gas as they consume the food.

People may experience gas from feeding different foods. A type of food that causes one person to have gas may not cause any issues in some other person.

nevertheless, some foods are more likely to cause a person to produce excess gas.

These foods include:

  • some fruits, so much as pears, peaches, and apples
  • certain vegetables, including asparagus, broccoli, cauliflower, beans, and Bruxelles sprouts
  • some whole grains
  • onions

People can treat pyrosis directly with a couple of different types of medication that are available on prescription or over the counter (OTC).

Medications for pyrosis include:

  • Antacids, which offer quick relief for pyrosis.
  • H2 blockers, which block the amount of acid that a person's stomach produces. Some examples include Pepcid (Pepcid) and Zantac (Zantac).
  • Proton pump inhibitors, which are longer-lasting medications that act in a similar way to H2 blockers. Examples include Prilosec (Prilosec) and Prevacid (Prevacid).

There are less medications to treat gas. Antacids do not atypically prevent or treat gas. Instead, a person can try the following drugs:

  • Simethicone, normally best-known as Gas-X or Mylanta, which helps break down gas in the digestive tract.
  • Alpha-galactosidase products, so much as lotto, which help the body break down the carbohydrates in vegetables and beans.
  • Lactase supplements, so much as lactase, which help the body digest milk-based products.

Some people claim that activated charcoal may help as a home remedy for gas. Charcoal is possibly safe to consume, but it can stain apparel and dentition. It may besides prevent certain medications from being effective.

Some people may besides have success exploitation home remedies for pyrosis. Some potential remedies to try include:

  • standing up after overwhelming a meal or a large amount of food
  • wearing baggy clothing
  • raising the upper body when lying down
  • adding ginger to meals or drinks as a spice or taking supplements
  • feeding licorice
  • drinking a mixture of baking soda and water to reduce the acid

People should check with their doctor before trying the baking soda remedy. It is besides worth noting that these remedies may not work for everyone.


Preventing gas, pyrosis, or some may often involve making life style changes. A person can generally prevent some pyrosis and gas by:

  • feeding littler meals more often throughout the day
  • feeding slowly
  • avoiding heavy, greasy foods
  • avoiding best-known trigger foods, so much as milk, beans, and spicy foods
  • limiting alcohol intake
  • stopping smoking
  • feeding a balanced, healthful diet
  • losing weight if overweight or obese
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