Classification of Phylum Porifera
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Classification of Phylum Porifera

Porifera is a phylum of aquatic invertebrates commonly known as sponges. They lack true tissues and organs, instead having specialized cells for functions. They filter feed by pumping water through their body.

By Dayyal Dg.
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Classification of Phylum Porifera
Classification of Phylum Porifera

Phylum porifera is classified mainly basing on skeleton. It is divided into 3 classes. Sponges spicules plays a very important role in classification of porifera.

  • ClassCalcarea
  • ClassHexactinellida
  • ClassDemospongiae

Class I: Calcarea

  1. Skeleton is made by calcareaous spicules.
  2. They show single spongocoel cavity which opens to the outside through a single opening called osculum.
  3. Radially symmetrical animals.
  4. Choanocyte cells are large.

This is divided into 2 orders.

Order I: Homocoela

  1. Spongocoel is lined by choanocytes internally.
  2. Simple sponges or included in this order.
  3. E.g: Clathrina, Leucosolenia, Olynthus.

Order II: Heterocoela

  1. Spongocoel is lined by epithelial cells.
  2. Choanocytes restricted to radial canals only.
  3. Leuconoid or Syconoid canal system is seen.
  4. E.g: Sycon, Grantia.

Class II: Hexactinellida (or) Hyalospongiae

  1. Skeleton contains six rayed, or triaxon, siliceous spicules.
  2. Radially symmetrical.
  3. These are also known as glass sponges.

This class includes 2 orders.

Order I: Hexasterophora

  1. The spicules are of hexasters type.
  2. They are attached to hard objects.
  3. E.g: Euplectella

Order II: Amphidiscophora

  1. The spicules are amphidiscs.
  2. These sponges are attached to the substratum by root tufts.
  3. E.g: Hyalonema, Glass rope sponge

Class III: Demospongiae

  1. Skeleton either absent or present.
  2. The skeleton contains spongin fibres or silicious spicules or both.

This class is divided into 3 subclasses.

Subclass I: Tetractinellida

  1. The skeleton consists of tetraxon spicules or without spicules.
  2. They are mostly solid rounded structures.
  3. Leuconoid canal system is present. This subclass is divided into three orders.

Order I: Myxospongida

  1. Structure is simple
  2. Skeleton is absent.
  3. E.g: Oscarella

Order II: Carnosa (or) Homosclerophora

  1. Equal sized spicules are present.
  2. Megascleres and microscleres are not sharply differentiated.
  3. E.g: Plakina.

Order III: Choristida

  1. Microscleres and megascleres are distinct.
  2. E.g: Tetilla, Geodia.

Subclass II: Monaxonida

  1. Skeleton consists of monaxon spicules.
  2. Spongin fibres may or may not be present.
  3. They are cosmopolitan in their distribution.
  4. Shallow or deep water forms. This subclass includes 3 orders.

Order I: Hadromerida

  1. Spongin fibres absent.
  2. Monaxon spicules are represented by tylostyles.
  3. E.g: Cliona (Boring sponge), Tethya.

Order II: Halichondrida

  1. Monaxon spicules are seen.
  2. E.g: Halichondria.

Order III: Poecilosclerida

  1. Monaxon spicules are present.
  2. Microscleres are sigmas, toxas etc.
  3. E.g: Microciona.
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Dayyal Dg.. “Classification of Phylum Porifera.” BioScience. BioScience ISSN 2521-5760, 16 April 2017. <>. Dayyal Dg.. (2017, April 16). “Classification of Phylum Porifera.” BioScience. ISSN 2521-5760. Retrieved March 26, 2023 from Dayyal Dg.. “Classification of Phylum Porifera.” BioScience. ISSN 2521-5760. (accessed March 26, 2023).
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