Harsh Mohan Textbook of Pathology, 6th Edition

  • ISBN-10: 8180613682
  • ISBN-13: 9788180613685
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Harsh Mohan Textbook of Pathology, 6th Edition


Description: This is a modern Textbook in Pathology. The material is presented in a systematic manner in the best tradition of textbook writings. This book will be most…

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Description: This is a modern Textbook in Pathology. The material is presented in a systematic manner in the best tradition of textbook writings. This book will be most appreciated by students who are methodical and do not take shortcuts in their effort to acquire encyclopedic knowledge of pathology. The structure of the text also allows focusing on the most important aspects of each topic discussed. Each chapter is subdivided into smaller entities, which are further divided into paragraphs, ideally suited for easy reading. Color coded headings and the added emphasis in form of words printed in bold or capital letters are additional attractions that facilitate learning. Unique to this Textbook is the numerous hand-drawn color illustrations, including many renditions of histopathologic slides. These drawings are simple, but to the point and well annotated. Students will most likely understand them much easier than the relatively impersonal original microphotographs of the same histopathologic lesions. Flow-charts are most efficiently used to explicate the pathogenesis of various lesions or the pathophysiology of disease processes. Tables are used for classifications and comparative listings of closely related diseases and their pathologic features. In essence, the revised edition is a comprehensive text of pathology meant primarily for students of pathology; however, the practicing clinicians and students of other branches of medicine, dentistry, pharmacy, alternate system of medicine, and paramedical courses may also find it useful.
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