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Do muscle relaxers cause weight gain or weight loss

By Sam Billings | Updated: Wednesday, 03 November 2021 08:29 UTC
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Do muscle relaxers cause weight gain or weight loss
Do muscle relaxers cause weight gain or weight loss Painosoma / Sam Billings

Muscle relaxants are used to treat muscle spasms that can occur as a result of nervous system disorders. Multiple sclerosis, motor neuron disease, and cerebral palsy are among conditions that can produce muscle spasms. Long-term head or back traumas can also cause muscle spasms and tightness. Muscle spasms can also be caused by a more temporary ailment or injuries, such as low back discomfort or whiplash. The medication aids muscle relaxation, which may assist in alleviating pain and suffering.

Muscle relaxants are used to treat pain in addition to rest, physical therapy, and other methods. They're often used to treat acute, painful musculoskeletal disorders for a brief period of time. Muscle relaxants are sometimes administered to treat chronic pain.

Muscle relaxants are not a drug class because they do not all have the same chemical structure or function in the brain in the same way. Instead, the word muscle relaxer refers to a class of medications that function as CNS depressants and have sedative and musculoskeletal relaxant characteristics.

Some of the common muscle relaxers:

1) Methocarbamol - It is a well-researched medicine for back pain. It's also less expensive and sedating than some other solutions. For patients with acute neck and back pain, 1500 mg every 6 to 8 hours is a cost-effective and well-tolerated choice. Consider trying this first because it is less sedating than cyclobenzaprine and carisoprodol.

2) Cyclobenzaprine - Cyclobenzaprine (Flexeril) makes you tired at a dose of 10 mg to 30 mg per day. If you're taking it during the day, cut your 10 mg tab in half and take 5 mg to avoid drowsiness. Surprisingly, studies have found that 5 mg three times a day works just as well as 10 mg three times a day.

Because it's a cheap generic, cyclobenzaprine is an excellent first choice, but the sedative side effect limits its use throughout the day. It may also produce increased dry mouth, particularly in the elderly. Consider a superior non-sedating solution if this is a concern.

3) Carisoprodol - Carisoprodol (Soma) is a Schedule IV drug that can be abused (it's related to the benzodiazepines Ativan, Valium, and Xanax). As a result, if you have a history of substance misuse, you should avoid using it.

Many people believe that carisoprodol as a muscle relaxant should be phased out, favoring considerably superior alternatives. Because there is no proof that more prolonged use is proper, you should only use it for 2 to 3 weeks if it is prescribed. It may produce drowsiness and dizziness, and it is not recommended for anyone over 65.

4) Metaxalone - Taken in the form of 800 mg tablets Based on clinical research, metaxalone (Skelaxin) has the fewest reported adverse effects and the lowest sedation potential of all muscle relaxants when taken 3 to 4 times per day. Told, it is the most well-tolerated muscle relaxant available. Although Metaxalone is a generic version of the brand-name medication Skelaxin, it is nevertheless somewhat expensive.

Medication-related Weight Gain

There are a variety of reasons for weight gain caused by medications. Some medications may increase your appetite. You will eat more and gain weight as a result of this. Some medicines may have an impact on your body's metabolism. Your body will burn calories at a slower rate as a result of this. Some medicines can make you retain water. Even if you don't gain weight, you will gain weight as a result of this. Other medications may have an impact on how your body stores and absorbs sugar and other nutrients.

If a drug makes you weary or short of breath, you may find it challenging to exercise. You may gain weight as a result of this. Researchers aren't clear what causes weight gain in people who take certain medications.

Muscle relaxants and weight gain

Muscle relaxants slow down many processes that allow your body to function by depressing your central nervous system. For acute diseases, these drugs are typically administered for a five- to seven-day period. As you restrict your activity to heal from your injuries, short-term usage of these medications can cause a minor weight gain of 2 to 3 pounds. Long-term use or abuse of these drugs can lead to a significant increase in weight gain when your general physical activity decreases.

Following your primary care provider's injury treatment plan will result in faster healing times and fewer side effects, such as weight gain. If muscle relaxer medicine is required for a more extended period of time, be aware that there is a danger of weight gain and the possibility of addiction.

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