Harsh Mohan Pathology Practical Book, 2nd Edition

  • ISBN-10: 8180619052
  • ISBN-13: 978-8180619052
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Harsh Mohan Pathology Practical Book, 2nd Edition


Description: Emphasis has been laid on recent and contemporary concepts on basic learning of skills in pathology. The enlarged and updated matter has been organized systematically in 7…

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Description: Emphasis has been laid on recent and contemporary concepts on basic learning of skills in pathology. The enlarged and updated matter has been organized systematically in 7 Sections and further divided into 58 Exercises so that the study material is simply understood as taught in the routine practical class of students. SECTION I: Techniques in Pathology, SECTION II: Clinical Pathology, SECTION III: General Pathology, SECTION IV: Systemic Pathology, SECTION V: Cytopathology, SECTION VI: Haematology, SECTION VII: Autopsy Phatology

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