Prefixes & Suffixes
The following list is by no means complete, but it may help in understanding some difficult terminology. The following abbreviations are used ; Gr., for the Greek ; L., for the Latin.
Term | Definition |
ovi- | (L., egg), ovum , egg.oviparous mammals |
Os- | (Gr., bone), osseQus , pertaining to bone. |
ortho- | (Gr., straight), Orthoptera , order of insects with straight wings. |
or- | (L., mouth), oral , pertaining to the mouth. |
Oo- | (Gr., egg), oogenesis , formation and development of an egg. |
omni- | (L., omnis-all) e.g. omnivore. |
oligo- | (Gr., few or little), oligotrichous , having few cilia. |
oedo- | (Gr., swollen), edema (oedema), swollen condition. |
octo- | (L., eight), octopus , animal with eight appendages. |