Prefixes & Suffixes
The following list is by no means complete, but it may help in understanding some difficult terminology. The following abbreviations are used ; Gr., for the Greek ; L., for the Latin.
Term | Definition |
xiphi- | (Gr., xiphos, a sword) : e.g. xiphiosura, king crabs the hind part bearing a long tail spine |
xero- | (Gr., xeros-dry) e.g. xerophyte e.g. climatic plant |
xen-, xeno- | (Gr., xen-strange-different) |
xantho- | (Gr., xanthos, yellow) : eg. xanthophyll, yellowpigment. |
ventr- | (Gr., belly), ventral , pertaining to the lower or belly side. |
vas- | (L., vessel), vas deferens , vessel to transmit male sex cells. |
uni- | (L, one), unilateral , on one side. |
ultra- | (L., beyond), ultramicroscopic, so small that it is beyond the microscope. |
trop- | (Gr., reaction), tropism , reaction to stimuli. |
tricho- | (Gr., hair), trichocyst , hair-like structure. |
tri- | (Gr., three), trilobed , having three lobes. |
trans- | (Gr., across), transfer , to carry across. |
toxi- | (Gr., poison), toxin , poison. |
ti- | (L., to turn), Vorticella , animal that turns as it moves. |
thigmo- | (Gr., contact), thigmotropism , reaction to contact. |