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By BS MediaTwitter Profile | Updated: Tuesday, 11 December 2018 19:44 UTC
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Rabbit - Venous system Frog - Venous system
1. Coronary veins collecting the blood from the wall of heart open into left precaval vein. 1. Coronary vein collecting blood from the wall of heart opens into anterior abdominal vein.
2. The blood from different organs of the body is collected by two superior vena cavae and a posterior vena cava which open separately into the right auricle. 2. The blood from different organs of the body is collected by two precavals and one post caval which unite together to form a sinus venosus that inturn opens into right auricle.
3. Each precaval or superior vena cava is formed by three veins namely i. External Jugular ii. Internal jugular and iii. sub-clavian. 3. Each precaval vein is formed by three veins viz. i. External jugular ii. Innominate and iii. sub-clavian.
4. External jugular brings blood from tongue, jaws and muscles of the head and is connected with that of the opposite side by a jugular anastomosis. 4. External jugular brings the blood from tongue and muscles of jaw by lingual and mandibular.
5. Internal jugular receives internal carotid that receives blood from brain and neck and opens into external jugular vein. 5. Innominate is formed by internal jugular bringing blood from brain and orbit and a sub-scapular from shoulder and back of the arm.
6. The sub-clavian brings blood from shoulders and forelimbs. 6. The sub-clavian collects blood from forelimbs by brachial vein and from skin and muscles of the abdomen by Musculo-cutaneous vein.
7. Anterior intercostal veins collect blood from intercostal spaces and open into pre-cavals. 7. Anterior intecostal veins are absent.
8. The inferior vena cava is formed by union of several veins. 8. The post caval vein is formed by union of four pairs of renal veins collecting from kidneys.
9. The internal iliacs bring blood from the back of thigh. The external iliac is formed by a femoral vein from the inner part of thigh and a posterior epigastric from ventral wall of abdomen. Vesicular vein brings blood from urinary bladder into internal iliac. 9. Sciatic brings blood from interior of thigh while the femoral brings blood from outer part of the thigh. Vesicular vein from the urinary bladder opens into anterior abdominal vein.
10. Caudal vein collects blood from the tail. 10. Caudal vein is absent.
11. Ilio-lumbar from abdomen and gonadial from gonads pour blood into the post caval vein. 11. A dorso lumbar from dorsal body wall pours into renal portal vein while first renal vein also collects from gonad by a gonadial vein.
12. Renal portal system is absent. 12. Renal portal system is well developed.
13. Hepatic portal system is constituted by Hepatic portal vein from different parts of the alimentary canal. 13. Hepatic portal system is constituted by Hepatic portal vein from different parts of alimentary canal and an Anterior abdominal vein from posterior parts of the body.
14. Phrenic veins bring the blood from diaphragm into post caval vein. 14. Phrenic veins are absent.
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