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Obesity / Weight Loss / Fitness

How to Eat to Lose weight? - A Fat Loss Diet

By Purvi PatelTwitter Profile | Updated: Sunday, 11 August 2019 10:25 UTC
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How to Eat to Lose weight? - A Fat Loss Diet

With so much happening in our daily life, we seldom think of our diet and fitness. Also, when we actually think it is mostly when we have to attend the marriage, beach holidays or birthday. We follow express fat loss diet that does more bad than good to our body. The question you should ask your self is whether you eat to live or live to eat? Your diet should have a healthy food combination of carbs, proteins, vitamins, etc. Healthy food ensures better metabolism and lasting fat loss results.

Food is the most essential for your body it keeps you moving through the day, never experiment to suddenly cut your diet for a month to get an inch smaller, this has adverse effects on your body and can result in long term problems.

So avoid express diets and try to include following in your food diet. This blog shares the list of food items and steps on how you can sustain body weight by eating the right food in proper quantity.

It is always advisable to have a small workout routine like walking or yoga or swimming or Zumba at least 4-5 times a week with this. Trust me it gives way better results compared to short bust diet.

Ideal Number of Meals

Every individual has a different body type, you can set a goal of 4-6 small meals per day, and never skip a meal. It is very important for your body and metabolism to program the intake of food and adjust to it. These 5 meals include breakfast, pre-lunch, lunch, evening snacks, dinner. These meals will help you boost your protein metabolism, burn fats and signal your brain to enjoy a good source of food to keep you safe from sugar and oil.

Amount of Food to be taken for a fat loss diet.

Once you decide the number of meals, the second step is to understand the portions you need to intake with every meal. It is difficult to define a portion of food or amount that one needs to intake for each meal. The best way to measure your food is to experiment with the portions for the first 2-3 days, your body will automatically signal you with the right amount of portion it needs per meal.
Most of the packaged food will always mention the serving size at the back, you can follow that to measure the protein, carbs, sugar intake per serving. For veggies and other food use the thumb rule.

Listed below are a few portion sizes you can choose to start with

  • 1 Serving of = the size of...
  • Veggies = a handful grip
  • Fruits = a small ball size
  • Meat or Fish = set of card
  • Eggs = 1-2 egg
  • Milk or Curd = a small bowl
  • Pasta or rice = 3 oz

Balancing the diet

Did you know Lettuce help to lose weight? and Carbohydrates can lead to weight gain?

It is very important to understand what you are eating, and also in taking the right amount of protein, carbs, fats, etc which is called a balancing act. Only intake of carbs or protein is not going to help you lose weight or stay fit, eating a balanced meal is very important.

At times losing weight can be challenging because of your hormones. They play a very important role in the physiological process of your body. Balance your food with the right amount of carbs, protein, fats, and other nutrients this way you will reach your goals faster.

Eat complex carbs, lean protein, and useful fats to maintain steady stamina and metabolism in your body.

Eat right carbs

There are many types of carbs, but here we will talk about nourishing carbohydrates which are also called complex carbs.

You might we wondering where can you find these complex carbs?

The answer is in peas, beans, whole grains, veggies, fruits, etc. The combination of these complex carbs with other proteins and good fats is going to bring the right chemistry that will boost your health goals.

These carbs are turned to glucose in the body and are used to produce energy in your body. So always make sure to have a good intake of complex carbs in the day time because you need the energy to work along the day. You can avoid carbs in the night to get the best results.

Eat right Proteins

Protein is an important element to get the right body balance. It helps to repair your muscle tissue meaning help you build block for your muscles. Protein helps you to boost your immune system in your body.

Protein releases glucagon which prepares the fat to burn and convert it as a fuel source. Pick the right lean proteins compared to fats which will succeed in optimizing your digestion and adaptation.

You can source protein from meat, veggies, eggs, yogurt, etc. There are beans, veggies, and legumes which consist of protein but also have a high level of carbs. Limit the intake of protein which contains saturated fats.

You can add soy proteins in your diet as it has many health benefits. If tofu is too much for you to start with paneer. Also, start replacing your regular milk with soy milk or almond milk.

An average of 0.8 gms of protein per kg of body weight per day is needed for a healthy man or woman. For instance: a 63-65kg woman would require at least 50-55 gms of protein daily. Similarly, a 75-80kg man would need 60-655-gms of protein. But there are exceptions to this logic. Every individual has a different body type and requirement, so you just have to make sure you eat the right lean protein in the right quantity. Excess of anything good can also be toxic to your body.

Eat right Fats

This can come as a surprise that your body needs fats to function properly. Fats are important to protect your internal body organs, it gives fatty acids for your growth and advancement. Fats with carbohydrates helps to preserve protein within our body.

Good Fats like Linolenic acid, alpha-linolenic acid, omega-3 fatty acids are important as they are beneficial to your health. Just to give an example, fish and nuts have a good level of Omega-3 which is crucial for great health.

On the other hand, a lack of Omega-3 can lead to low energy, dry skin, dull hair, etc.

Fats you need to avoid

Always avoid saturated fats they are the main reason for your obesity. You will find them in meat, fried items, fast food and more. When they are consumed in excess they are the cause of the problem. Trans fats are another crucial component you need to eliminate from your diet completely. This will only lead to heart diseases and other health issues.

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