Assuming seminal is required, the following results were found.

  • Male Infertility: Causes and Investigations

    ultimate destination—the ejaculatory ducts. Ejaculatory Ducts: These tubes, formed by the union of the vasa deferentia and seminal vesicles, facilitate the release of sperm during ejaculation.Their intricate coordination ensures the efficient delivery...

    By Dayyal Dg.
  • Semen Analysis for Investigation of Infertility

    Semen, also known as seminal fluid, is a complex fluid discharged from the male genital tract, containing spermatozoa capable of fertilizing female ova. The intricate process of semen production involves several key structures: Testes: Male gametes, or...

    By Dayyal Dg.
  • Semen Analysis: Biochemical Examination for Infertility Test

    in Table 1, to examine the secretions from various accessory structures. These markers encompass fructose, associated with seminal vesicles; zinc, citric acid, or acid phosphatase, linked to the prostate; and α-glucosidase or carnitine, indicative of...

    By Dayyal Dg.
  • Semen Analysis: Immunologic Examination for Infertility Test

    reaction can be detected under a microscope. Indirect Sperm Antibody Test (ISAT): This test detects antibodies in the seminal plasma (the fluid part of semen). Serum (blood) is mixed with sperm, and if antibodies are present, they will attach to the...

    By Dayyal Dg.
  • Semen Analysis: Physical Examination for Infertility Test

    impacts sperm motility, leading to poor invasion of cervical mucus. This condition often results from infections of the seminal vesicles or prostate. Volume The volume of ejaculated semen should typically exceed 2 ml and is measured post-liquefaction. A...

    By Dayyal Dg.
  • Sperm Function Tests or Functional Assays

    Mucus Penetration Test The Cervical Mucus Penetration Test involves measuring the maximum distance traveled by sperm in seminal fluid placed and incubated within a capillary tube containing bovine mucus. Typically, the majority of fertile men exhibit a...

    By Dayyal Dg.
  • Semen Analysis: Microscopic Examination for Infertility Test

    be indicative of male infertility. Sperm Morphology To create a smear, a glass slide is used to evenly spread a droplet of seminal fluid, followed by staining. The subsequent step involves counting the percentages of normal and abnormal forms of...

    By Dayyal Dg.

Results 1 - 7 of 7