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Miss Microbiologist: Chalita Suansane (Miss Universe)

Sahir Roy
By Sahir Roy Twitter Profile
Published: Friday, 03 March 2017
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Source: Facebook via Medtech Must Know
Source: Facebook via Medtech Must Know Images: (c) KryzzaMelHilay

Chalita Suansane is a 21 year old Thailand native currently studying Microbiology at Mahasarakham University. Ever since Suansane was young, she was often curious and eager to learn new things, including a passion to explore living organisms that you cannot see by the eyes. On top of her studies, Suansane volunteers at ‘Baan Home Hug’ which is an orphanage that houses children who have inherited HIV from their parents, children who were abused, and children who have lost their family. If crowned, she would like to raise awareness and advocate for HIV/AIDS. Suansane would also like to let young women know that fulfilling your own passions, having self-respect, and being compassionate to others will make you confidently beautiful in your own way.

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