Glossary try the best to avoid the use of medical terms that could make it more difficult to understand the information on this website. Still, there are a number of terms that can’t be avoided and that are useful to know because they are so often used by the doctors, nurses, and other medical professionals with whom you might speak. The list below includes the terms used on for which we have provided definitions.
Term | Definition |
Tubular adenoma | Also known as: Adenomatous polyp
Transudate | Fluid that has leaked into a body cavity, due to an imbalance between the pressure within blood vessels (which drives fluid out) and the amount of protein in blood (which keeps fluid in); it is a clear fluid with low protein concentration and a limited number of white blood cells. |
Transplantation | |
Translocation | (v. translocate) In genetics, movement of one section of a chromosome to a different position on another chromosome resulting in abnormal chromosome structure |
Tracer | In radiology, radioactive isotope (e.g., iodine-131) introduced into the body to allow biological structures to be seen as part of diagnostic X-ray techniques. |
Toxin | Generally, anything that injures, is destructive, or can cause death; specifically, a poisonous substance made within living cells or organisms (plants or animals); may also include some medicines if taken in large amounts and certain metals |
Toxicity | Extent or degree to which something is poisonous |
Toxic megacolon | A rare but serious, potentially life-threatening condition in which all or part of the colon progressively swells and becomes gangrenous, with tissue death resulting from lack of blood supply |
Toxemia of pregnancy | Also known as: Preeclampsia
Topical | Applied to the surface of the skin |
Titer | In the clinical laboratory, titer is a unit of measurement. It is most often thought of as the lowest dilution of a substance in which a reaction takes place. It is usually expressed as a ratio (i.e., 1:20). For example, serum containing an antibody can be diluted with saline in a serial manner producing dilutions 1:5, 1:10, 1:20, 1:40, etc. If the lowest dilution that a reaction can still be detected between the antibody and the antigen it is directed against is 1:20, then that is the result of the antibody titer. |
Tissue |
Timed Urine Sample | A sample of urine collected over a specified period of time; for a short collection (2 hours), you may be asked to do this at the laboratory. For longer collections (such as 12 hours or 24 hours), you will do this at home. At the beginning of the time period, empty your bladder and discard that urine. Note the time. Collect all urine voided for the specified period of time in the container provided. At the end of the time period, empty your bladder and ADD this urine to the container. Note the time. Bring all of the urine collected to the lab or doctor's office. If you miss collecting one or more voids, consult your doctor or the laboratory for further instructions. (See 24-hour urine sample) |
Thyroiditis | an inflamed thyroid |
Thymus | Organ located behind the upper breastbone at the base of the neck that is part of the lymphatic and immune systems; disease-fighting white blood cells called T-cells develop and mature in the thymus before entering circulation. In humans, the thymus is normally active in childhood but becomes less active after puberty, eventually losing most immune activity by adulthood. |