Handbook of Laboratory Procedures, 1st Edition

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Handbook of Laboratory Procedures, 1st Edition


Description: Laboratory procedures are an essential diagnostic component of clinical laboratory. The role of the laboratory technician is to collect and process samples and then analyze and report…

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Description: Laboratory procedures are an essential diagnostic component of clinical laboratory. The role of the laboratory technician is to collect and process samples and then analyze and report the fndings. This book provides a useful tool for reference when conducting many common laboratory tests, and serves as an excellent companion to full textbooks. Useful characteristics of this handbook, whether used in school or a clinic setting, are step-by-step procedures, discussions of common mistakes and errors, tips and tricks, and plenty of reference images. Color images are invaluable when trying to identify an unknown structure, and these are concisely provided in each chapter of this book. In contrast to other texts available, this book provides needed information quickly and at a glance. PathLabStudy.Com website provides additional images and study tools for students, such as PowerPoint slides and crossword puzzles.

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